When Kelsea Glynn is 19 years old, a group of men appear at her doorstep and take her to the Keep. There is her castle, because Kelsea isn't just some 19 year old girl. She is the Queen of the Tearling.

Kelsea is a strong young woman with a strong mind, but sometimes she does not think her actions through...and that has consequences. I also have a big dislike about her attitude about the appearance of people. She thinks herself as a ugly young girl, I get why, because her mother was the Beautifull Queen, but she really couldn't stop thinking about her appearance and that from others. One thing that happened in book One made her, just for a few seconds, not think about that.
I really liked this trilogy and I would recommend this to every adult and more mature young adults!
BE AWARE! Book two contains domenestic abuse and rape!!
I did not knew that and I had to put the book aside because I was not prepared for it.
I give this trilogy a total of ☆☆☆☆,5
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